COVID Vaccine Plan

The Department of Veterans Affairs outlines COVID vaccine plan

By PVA National

The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has begun the rollout of the COVID-19 vaccine to its health care providers and veterans who live in VAMC community living centers (CLCs).

The VA’s vaccination plan is being carried out in accordance with guidelines from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Once these groups have received the vaccine, VA will make it available to veterans who are at high risk of severe illness due to the virus.

In a call with senior leaders in the Veterans Health Administration on December 17, VA stated that SCI/D veterans as a whole do not have priority access to the vaccine.

Those who are inpatient or who are living in CLCs do have priority access. From there, VA will provide access to veterans who are older and have comorbidities.

More information about VA’s COVID vaccine plan is available here.

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