
Back to School?

As summer wanes and September rolls around, its time for kindergarteners through postgraduates to return to the classroom

If you want to learn a new skill or haven’t finished your education, you may decide to return to school.

Here are some tips if you’re thinking about becoming a student again:

Find out about special services for students with disabilities. These may include tutoring, readers, note-takers, special parking areas, and special equipment. Contact the school’s disabled students’ office to learn more. Better yet, visit the campus in person.

Understand your rights under the law. A qualified student cannot be excluded from a public school or university solely because of a disability.

Learn about VA benefits. Veterans may be entitled to educational benefits due to military service, and if you have a service-connected disability, you may qualify for an additional vocational rehabilitation benefit.

Consider distance learning. An alternative to attending classes is e-learning. Use the Internet to find information.

Apply for scholarships. Consider every possibility, including special scholarships for people with disabilities.


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