From the Top: The Seven P’s

One of the feature articles in this month’s issue of PN deals with disaster preparedness to coincide with September being National Preparedness Month

By David Zurfluh/PVA National President

If you went through basic training and tech school in the United States Air Force, then the title of my column this month probably just gave you flashbacks to what was beaten into our heads 24/7.

Prior Proper Planning Prevents Potential Poor Performances! What seemed like mental torture was actually a proven resource to use in a group or individual setting to maximize successful outcomes.

Paralyzed Veterans of America (PVA) and the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) do just this for 10 to 11 months before the National Veterans Wheelchair Games. The recent Games in Louisville, Ky., demonstrate how proper planning and teamwork can be beneficial. This year’s event was perhaps one of the best Games yet.

One of the feature articles in this month’s issue of PN deals with disaster preparedness to coincide with September being National Preparedness Month. Because of the many devastating storms, floods, earthquakes, tornadoes and fires around the country, it got me thinking of the article I wrote a year and a half ago, titled Are You Prepared? (February 2018, p. 8). For me personally, that answer would honestly have to be “no.”

Like others, I neglect the importance of being prepared in my day-to-day rush to get work and personal things done. Recently, I visited my storage locker near my home and found that some of the contents had fallen out of place and shifted because of the earthquake that had recently hit near Seattle.

While this isn’t anything major or concerning, it made me realize that I need to be more conscientious and be adequately prepared should a disaster hit again. Two important questions we should ask ourselves are: Do I want myself and my loved ones to be the victims of a disaster and become bad statistics? Or rather, do I desire for us to be survivors and part of good statistics?

I definitely prefer the latter!

If you haven’t already, carve out time to create emergency go-bags for your car, house and workplace.

Have a family plan in place and routinely practice drills so everyone is prepared. Know exactly how and where to shut off power, gas and water, or get someone lined up to assist you if you can’t.

Go online or to your nearest state or county disaster preparedness website or physical center to access important resources. Talk with neighbors, family members and friends and ask questions, share concerns and tips to be best positioned for success.

The bottom line, it’s always best to plan for Murphy’s Law (a supposed law of nature, that anything that can go wrong will go wrong). I encourage you to practice the Seven P’s and create a plan for you and your loved ones.

Don’t become victims or bad statistics should a disaster strike in your neck of
the woods.


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